So, last Thursday was absolutely phenomenal; in fact, it was so phenomenal, it took me a week just to write about it. See, Thursdays are when I meet with Lynn for my Restoration Lit tutes, which means that Wednesday nights are spent scrambling together an essay; it was a particularly late night that quickly became an early morning because of "I Was a Rat." By the way, the show went very well--sold out a few nights AND put on one entertaining production. I was very pleased! Anyway, back to the academic validation (oh, yeah, it's all about the academic validation). I had a great tutorial on Katherine Philips and Hester Pulter, two women royalist writers in the Interregnum, and she also gave me back the last essay. She wrote at the end, "Excellent, Jarred. Detailed as always, but showing a real sense of scholarship and discovery." Wow...scholarship and discovery. Color me flattered as all get out! I really think I've found a period of literature that I get on with well. Also, after the tute, I went punting for the first time! Want a picture?

So, my life is pretty good right now. Sure, I'm still stressed, trying to keep up my level of work on Lynn's expectations. Darn, don't you hate it when you set the bar too high. Should've just kept your little head down, Jarred...
Oh, in other news, I'm in our Summer Play at Regents. We're doing a version of Shakespeare's Midsummer, so that's pretty fun. I'm playing Lysander, one of the lovers, and I just get to flirt with my friend, Fran, for the entire play. Good times, good times. Well, I'll keep you posted on my last few weeks in Oxford. (Insert sigh here) Where did the year go?

(Me and Fran, Lysander and Hermia.)